
After 18 months planning this project, it started on January 2022, developing the innovated solutions to move LGN in Isotanks.

Fistly was to Ecuador, Sycar are developing the first LNG import terminal in Ecuador and in this first phase we have developed a logistics strategy for them that allows them to introduce the first volumes of imported Liquefied Natural Gas in the history of Ecuador, which seek to replace more polluting fuels such as diesel and fuel oil accompanying the decarbonization agenda of the Ecuadorian government. These are shipper owned iso tanks and shipped from Panama to Ecuador on containers vessels. we manage the whole project door to door, doing the proper arrangements for the reception of empty units, loading in AES and shipping to Ecuador. At destination we are working hand-on-hand with CORPORACION LOGISTICA INTEGRAL (CLI) and they are in charge of: import customs, delivery and then return the ISOTanks to Panama to continue with the cycle.

Currently this project is ongoing between our customer AES and Ecopetrol , for more than a year, as part of the logistics solutions for the LNG distribution in Colombia.